SMK Ma'arif NU Bobotsari

Gedung SMK Ma'arif NU Bobotsari

SMK Ma'arif NU Bobotsari

Partisipasi Warga SMK Ma'arif NU Bobotsari dalam rangka HUT RI

SMK Ma'arif NU Bobotsari

Partisipasi Warga SMK Ma'arif NU Bobotsari dalam rangka HUT RI

SMK Ma'arif NU Bobotsari

Penanganan Peralatan Praktek Pasca Banjir

SMK Ma'arif NU Bobotsari

Partisipasi Warga SMK Ma'arif NU Bobotsari dalam rangka HUT RI

SMK Ma'arif NU Bobotsari

Peringatan Harlah SMK Ma'arif NU Bobotsari Ke-15

SMK Ma'arif NU Bobotsari

Peringatan Harlah SMK Ma'arif NU Bobotsari Ke-15

SMK Ma'arif NU Bobotsari

Pasukan Pengibar Bendera SMK Ma'arif NU Bobotsari

Jumat, 29 November 2013

Selamat Datang di Situs Kami


Pendidikan merupakan sebuah upaya sadar dan terencana untuk melakukan perbaikan dan perubahan perilaku, pengalaman, dan pengetahuan peserta didik. Melalui pendidikan diharapkan peningkatan kualitas SDM yang signifikan. Tempat dan tumpuan perubahan tersebut berlangsung di sekolah.
Secara umum diketahui bahwa sekolah dalam penyelenggaraannya melibatkan berbagai komponen seperti Kepala Sekolah, Dewan Guru, TU/Staf, Siswa, Orang Tua, Komite Sekolah dan Alumni. Semua unsur tersebut bersinergi, berkoordinasi, dan berkolaborasi dalam mewujudkan tujuan, Visi, dan Misi Sekolah.


 Sambutan Kepala Sekolah 

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Puji syukur Alhamdulillah selalu kita panjatkan kepada Ilahi Robbi. Keperluan dan kepentingan manusia dalam kehidupan antara lain informasi. SMK Ma'arif NU Bobotsari sebagai lembaga pendidikan yang memiliki tugas dan tanggung jawab kepada bangsa untuk mendidik anak bangsa yang berkualitas dan responsif terhadap kemajuan IPTEK di dunia global di era teknologi. 
Internet menjadi media yang sangat penting untuk melihat dunia. SMK Ma'arif NU Bobotsari telah memiliki sarana ini, untuk itu kami akan menampilkan apa yang ada dan terjadi, sehingga dunia bisa melihat keadaan di lembaga kami. Berupa kegiatan prestasi dan kondisi dan kemajuan yang ada kepada semua pihak. Kami mengharap kritik dan saran guna kebaikan SMK Ma'arif NU Bobotsari Untuk civitas akademi, mari kita ukir prestasi guna kejayaan sekolah kita. Amien… 

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

H. Ahmad Tohirin,S.Ag,M.Pd

Rabu, 22 Mei 2013

Jumat, 18 Mei 2012

Foxit Reader

Foxit Reader is a free PDF document viewer, with incredible small size, breezing-fast launch speed and rich feature set. Its core function is compatible with PDF Standard 1.7.
  • Incredibly small: The download size of Foxit Reader is just a fraction of Acrobat Reader 20 M size.
  • Breezing-fast: When you run Foxit Reader, it launches instantly without any delay. You are not forced to view an annoying splash window displaying company logo, author names, etc.
  • Annotation tool: Have you ever wished to annotate (or comment on) a PDF document when you are reading it? Foxit Reader allows you to draw graphics, highlight text, type text and make notes on a PDF document and then print out or save the annotated document.
  • Text converter: You may convert the whole PDF document into a simple text file.
  • High security and privacy: Foxit Reader highly respects the security and privacy of users and will never connect to the Internet without users' permission. While other PDF readers often silently connect to the Internet in the background. Foxit PDF Reader does not contain any spyware.

EASEUS Partition Master 9.1.1

As Partition Magic alternative, EASEUS Partition Master Home Edition is a FREE ALL-IN-ONE partition solution and disk management utility. It allows you to extend partition (especially for system drive), manage disk space easily, settle low disk space problem on MBR and GUID partition table (GPT) disk.
  • Resize/Move partition
  • Extend system drive
  • Copy disk & partition
  • Merge partition
  • Split partition
  • Redistribute free space
  • Convert dynamic disk
  • Recover partition

K-Lite Codec Pack 8.80

The K-Lite Codec Pack is a collection of DirectShow filters, VFW/ACM codecs, and tools. Codecs and DirectShow filters are needed for encoding and decoding audio and video formats. The K-Lite Codec Pack is designed as a user-friendly solution for playing all your audio and movie files.
With the K-Lite Codec Pack you should be able to play all the popular audio and video formats and even several less common formats.
The K-Lite Codec Pack has a couple of major advantages compared to other codec packs:
  • It is updated frequently. So it is always up-to-date with the newest and/or best components.
  • All components have been carefully selected for specific purposes. It is not just a random bunch of stuff thrown together.
  • It is very user-friendly and easy to use.
  • The installation is fully customizable, meaning that you are able to install just those components that you really want.
  • The customization abilities even go beyond the component level. Some components are able to handle multiple formats. You can specify exactly which components should handle which formats. The pack can thus be fully tweaked to your own specific needs and preferences.
  • Uninstallation removes everything that was installed by the pack. Including all registry keys.
  • It is extremely easy to make a fully customized unattended installation with the integrated wizard.
  • It does not contain any bad, buggy or unstable codecs.